Start with Mentally Trading Places with Your Client(s)
Humans are subjective by nature. Subjective to their own needs, desires, tastes, and preferences. In other words, clients likely are going to choose what suits their tastes, and it is up to businesses to mold and develop their products to the clients’ needs and demands. After all, every savvy business owner knows that they have the most demanding boss of all: the consumer. Hence, the best way to develop and to keep the business communication lines open is to think as if they are the consumer. Macquarie advisors set out some comprehensive advice regarding this concept.
Find That Specific Mode of Communication
Once a specific mode of communication has been clearly determined, and you’ve identified the needs and demands of the client base, the next step is to maintain that trust. That maintenance requires effective and open communication.
Here are some tips and ideas on using various communication tools:
Know the basic demographics of the client base. For example, older clients may be more receptive to traditional means of communique, such as the postal service. The mode of communication will also depend upon geographic proximity;
Be flexible and prepared to adjust your communication style and “level” to demographics such as socioeconomic status, age group, and possibly even by gender. However, it is critical to never to patronize or come across as condescending;
Be present in philanthropy and benevolent activities in the community. This puts a business at the forefront with the media and benefits the economy;
Avoid using too much advertising via the press and print. Too much comes off as needy and greedy;
Personalize everything as much as possible. Hand-sign communique as much as possible. Make follow-up phone calls and establish a rapport with the client, and by all means, use clients’ names.
Be as omnipresent as possible on social media and provide avenues where there are rapid responses to any client inquiries.
Establish a Preferable Timely “Banter” with Clients
This may be the most challenging part of maintaining that positive relationship. It is imperative to keep in touch with the clients, but not so much that it’s almost distracting and annoying. Intrado Communications has some helpful statistics regarding the frequency of customer contact. The frequency will vary from client to client, and the only way to truly establish this fine line is to inquire and abide by their wishes. Keep those lines open, however, so they can initiate contact if necessary.